Comms Business Awards Winners 2024

Last month the team at Start Communications won Small Reseller of Year at the Comms Business Awards 2024.. 

Over 100 channel providers were shortlisted for awards at the 20th anniversary of the Comms Business Awards which were judged by some of the most respected leaders in the industry. Our winning entry highlighted the increase in growth of the business and the reviews received by our customers and partners.

The judges said “Start Communications is clearly making the different that their customers want. We were impressed by the company’s strong growth areas and compelling testimonials, and the emphasis on the importance of staff development. Great work!”

We are delighted to have won this award having come second and highly commended in this category for the past two years. Being recognised for our work and customer service against fierce industry competition is testament to all our staff and partners who support us.

If you would like to find out how Start Communications can help your business, please give our Account Management Team a call today.